Sea Turtle life

You bear your heavy burden

Diving, eating, swimming and breeding

Exhausted after long hours on sandy beaches

You can not even live in peace in your habitat

You bear your heavy burden

Competing with odd animals on your playground

Competing with developers who take over your beaches

Competing with all kinds of predators

You bear your heavy burden

make the joy of all snorkelers and divers

Protected but also threatened by others

Your life is not really an easy one






Dead end,  No outlet,

 It is on the road or in our lives?

Experiencing, visualizing real dead ends at a larger scale is uncommon.

What if an entire country has no way out?

What if an entire country has catastrophic events occurring  all the time.

Rusty trains abandoned in the middle of nowhere.


Roads washed away by the last cyclone.


Villages and  inhabitants  left behind.


Mine fields on the road sides


No Way Out!


Beyond this fate, we might find hope

Determination can open roads


Beyond this fate, we might find smiles

Resilience can make people empowered


Beyond this fate, we might find faith

Perseverance can trigger creativity


sunset at Morrungulo




La Libellule

Dragon, fly! Dragon, fly!

From a bud to a Star

You are flying

As you wanted to be a part

Of Monet’s Water Garden

Of Monet’s masterpieces

Your light and fast flight

Your bright colors and wings

Make you a living masterpiece

In Harmony with your surroundings



Pierre and Antoinette


My wife was in the waiting room

One day, one of patient posted an adoption ads

“Pierre is looking for new parents”

He was lost in Philadelphia

Knowing our love for France

The good idea was to name him


 Back from work, my wife talked about the idea

Who is Pierre? I asked her

She showed me a picture of Pierre

A little ball of black fur

Why not ? he is so adorable


The week after, another appointment

She was in the waiting room

The same patient posted another adoption ads

“Antoinette is looking for new parents”

Our future Pierre has a sister


Back from work, my wife talked about the second idea

Who is Antoinette? I asked her

She showed me a picture of Antoinette

Another little ball of black fur

A little thinner and larger


Why not? She is so adorable

They love each other

Like brother and sister

and she loves relaxing people

when they work at their computers

Right for me this one, this


It is the day.

Heading to the ASPCA shelter

With a laundry basket to carry our balls of fur.

Where are they ?

We were told that they had to undergo a surgery


For what?

Are they both sick?

Our Pierre and Antoinette

The veterinarian came to us

They are waiting for you

They had their successful procedure

You have two wonderful girls

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Since these events, they have remained our

Pierre and Antoinette

Picpus et le dernier repos


Flamboyant, il ne compta pas son argent

Il vécu en bravant son sort

Infatigable, il ne compta pas son temps

A l’ombre de la renommée, il trouva la mort


Sa première aventure fut opportune

Son dernier voyage le conduisit à Paris

Il trouva la gloire et la fortune

Il trouva la paix, Il fut béni


 D’une modeste demeure, il se contenta

Un petit cimetière, loin des potentats

Un royal tombeau pour Napoléon

Pour Lafayette, pas de Panthéon

PICPUS et le dernier repos




Inimaginables rencontres

En dehors des rêves de mon enfance

Imprégné des aventures de Tintin,

De récits de London et Hemingway.

L’Afrique des grands espaces,

Des animaux mythiques

Avec des noms  étranges comme

Hyppotrague noir

Grand Koudou




L’Afrique des grands espaces et des animaux stars:






En canoé sur le Zambèze, ce fut le début des



Tendres et cruelles

Bruyantes et calmes

Sauvages et harmonieuses


Un superbe et bruyant accueil par le roi des animaux


Suivi par ses sujets

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En harmonie avec les hommes

en gardiens d’une humanité heureuse






Tout recommença à Rochefort sur Mer, une petite ville proche de La Rochelle en France. Une incroyable idée après plus de 200 ans d’oubli. Faire renaítre l’Hermione.

All  began in Rochefort sur Mer, a little town near La Rochelle in France. An incredible idea after being forgotten for over 200 years. Give birth to l’Hermione again.

Avant d’être la ville des Demoiselles, Rochefort était la capitale des grands voiliers, des grands mâts. C’était à l’époque quand la France était une puissance maritime, où les grands explorateurs voyageaient pour découvrir des territoires inconnus. C’était à l’époque des Bougainville, La Condamine et La Pérouse.

Before being the city of the “Demoiselles”, Rochefort was the capital of the Tall Ships, Tall Masts. It was the era when France was a sea power, when the great explorers traveled to discover unknown territories. It was the era of Bougainville, La Condamine and La Pérouse.

En 1771, l’Hermione fut construite en seulement 11 mois. Elle entra dans l’histoire en 1780 quand Lafayette traversa l’Atlantique pour rejoindre Boston  et annoncer à Washington l’aide de  5500 troupes et 5 frégates. Elle fut malheureusement détruite après un accident en 1793.

In 1771, l’Hermione was built in only 11 months. She became a part of history in 1780 when Lafayette crossed the Atlantic to Boston  and announced to Washington the help of 5500 troops and 5 frigates. Unfortunately, she was destroyed after an accident in 1793.

D’une idée quelque peu étrange en cette nouvelle époque, quelques passionnés décidèrent de la reconstruire à l’identique avec les plans originaux du 18e siècle et les mêmes techniques. Si l’objectif final était de lui refaire traverser l’Atlantique , il était aussi de créer autour d’elle un immense mouvement de soutien franco-américain. Ce fut avant tout un projet humain, culturel et technique.

From a somewhat strange idea in this new era, a group of enthusiasts decided to build an exact replica with the original 18e century blueprints and techniques. If the final goal was to make her cross the Atlantic again, it was also to create around her a huge movement of support. This was first and foremost a human, cultural and technical project.

En 1997, l’Hermione commença à revivre. Elle dut attendre 2015 avant de  prendre son envol vers les Etats Unis. Dix-huit ans, le défis était immense et passionnant.

In 1997, l’Hermione began to live again. She waited until 2015 before taking off to the Unites States. Eighteen years to build , the challenge was enormous  and exciting.

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Aujourd’hui, le majestueux vaisseau est le plus grand et le plus authentique voilier construit en 150 ans.

Today, the majestic vessel is the largest and the most authentic Tall Ship built in the last 150 years.









Romantique avant les Romantiques

Romantic before the Romantics

Aventurier avant d’être Révolutionnaire

Adventurer before Revolutionary

Démocrate et Royaliste

Democrat and Royalist

Célébré et Méconnu

Celebrated yet Unknown


Méconnu en France, trop aristrocrate

Unknown in France, too aristocratic

Célébré aux Etats Unis, comme un héros

Celebrated in the United States, as a hero

Aventurier fortuné poussant les frontières,

Wealthy adventure seeker pushing frontiers

Il risqua sa vie pour une Terre inconnue.

He risked his life for an unknown land.

De son ami Washington,

Of his friend Washington

Il devint Général,

He became General

De son ami Washington,

Of his friend Washington

Il fut le fils

He was Son

